
Psychiatric Assessment and Diagnosis

Thorough evaluation and diagnosis of various mental health conditions through comprehensive assessments, including interviews, behavioral observations, and, if necessary, psychological testing.

Medication Management

Personalized prescription and management of psychiatric medications to alleviate symptoms and restore mental health balance. Regular monitoring and adjustments to ensure optimal effectiveness.

Psychosexual Problems

Specialized care for issues related to sexual function and intimacy. Confidential and sensitive discussions to address and resolve psychosexual concerns.

Individual Psychotherapy

One-on-one counseling sessions tailored to the individual's needs, employing evidence-based therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic Therapy, or Mindfulness-based interventions to address emotional challenges.

Couples and Family Counseling

Specialized therapy for couples and families, focusing on improving communication, resolving conflicts, and fostering a supportive environment to enhance overall family well-being.

Treatment for Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Comprehensive care for individuals struggling with anxiety and panic disorders, incorporating therapeutic interventions to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

Depression Management

Targeted treatment plans for depression, combining psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle interventions to alleviate symptoms and support individuals on their journey to recovery.

Schizophrenia Treatment and Support

Specialized care for individuals with schizophrenia, involving a combination of medication management, psychoeducation, and supportive therapies to manage symptoms and enhance daily functioning.

Stress and Anger Management

Guidance on coping strategies to manage stress and anger, empowering individuals to develop healthier responses to life's challenges and build resilience.

IPD (Inpatient Department)

Comprehensive inpatient psychiatric care for acute mental health conditions. 24/7 monitoring, therapeutic interventions, and a supportive environment for recovery.

OPD (Outpatient Department)

Convenient access to psychiatric consultations without the need for hospitalization. Timely appointments and follow-ups to monitor and manage mental health.

Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling

Supportive counseling for individuals dealing with substance abuse and addiction, addressing underlying mental health issues and providing strategies for recovery.

Psychotherapy Services

Evidence-based psychotherapeutic interventions for various mental health issues. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), psychoanalysis, and other modalities tailored to individual needs.

Crisis Intervention

Immediate support and intervention for individuals experiencing acute mental health crises, including suicidal thoughts or severe emotional distress.

Telepsychiatry Services

Convenient and accessible remote psychiatric consultations and therapy sessions, ensuring continuity of care for individuals who may face barriers to in-person visits.

Psychiatric Conditions


Depression is a common mental health condition marked by persistent sadness, loss of interest, and a lack of energy. It affects daily life and can lead to various physical and emotional problems. Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals is crucial for effective management and recovery.


Anxiety is a prevalent mental health condition characterized by excessive worry, fear, and heightened stress levels. It can manifest in physical symptoms and interfere with daily functioning. Understanding triggers, practicing relaxation techniques, and seeking professional help are vital steps in managing anxiety for a healthier mental well-being.


Phobia is an intense and irrational fear of specific objects, situations, or activities. It can lead to avoidance behaviors and impact daily life. Addressing phobias involves gradual exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioral techniques to manage and reduce the overwhelming fear, allowing individuals to regain control over their lives.


Schizophrenia is a severe mental health disorder affecting thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and cognitive impairments, often disrupting daily functioning. Treatment involves a combination of medication, therapy, and support to manage symptoms and enhance the individual's quality of life. Early intervention is crucial for better outcomes.


Addiction is a complex mental health condition characterized by compulsive substance use or behaviors, despite negative consequences. It profoundly impacts physical and mental well-being, leading to a loss of control. Treatment involves therapy, support groups, and sometimes medications to help individuals overcome dependencies and achieve sustainable recovery.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders encompass various conditions affecting sleep patterns. Insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome are common examples, disrupting rest and overall health. Proper diagnosis and treatment, including lifestyle changes and therapies, help restore healthy sleep, promoting better mental and physical well-being.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition marked by intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Individuals may feel compelled to perform rituals to alleviate anxiety. Therapy, medication, and support help manage symptoms, allowing those with OCD to lead more fulfilling and controlled lives.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are intense episodes of sudden fear or discomfort, accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heart rate and shortness of breath. They can be triggered by stress or anxiety disorders. Treatment involves therapy, relaxation techniques, and, in some cases, medication to alleviate symptoms and prevent future episodes for improved mental well-being.


Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, affecting the brain's electrical activity. Seizures vary in intensity and type. Treatment often involves medication to control seizures, lifestyle adjustments, and, in some cases, surgery. Proper management enhances quality of life for those with epilepsy, promoting mental and physical well-being.


While headaches are primarily a physical ailment, chronic or severe occurrences can impact mental health. Persistent headaches may contribute to stress, anxiety, or depression. Managing stress, identifying triggers, and seeking medical guidance ensure a holistic approach to both physical and mental well-being in the face of recurrent headaches.

Sexual Problems

Sexual problems can significantly affect mental health, causing stress and relationship strain. Conditions like erectile dysfunction or low libido may have psychological roots. Open communication, therapy, and medical interventions can address these issues, promoting a healthier sexual and emotional well-being for individuals and couples alike.

Memory Problems

Memory problems, like forgetfulness or cognitive decline, can impact mental health. Causes range from stress to neurological conditions. Seeking medical evaluation, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and engaging in cognitive exercises can help manage and improve memory. Addressing memory issues contributes to overall mental well-being and cognitive function.

Childhood Psychological Problems

Childhood psychological problems encompass a range of conditions affecting mental health in youth. Issues such as anxiety, ADHD, and trauma can impact emotional well-being. Early intervention through counseling, family support, and education is crucial for effective management, promoting healthy development and resilience in children's mental health.